Personal Protection

"An impeccably prepared insurance canine offers an extra layer of security to self, family, organizations, and properties."

Dog Protection Services

With lifting crime as time passes, having a macho canine available to you can be an incredible benefit. At Pet Stories, we keep a nearby watch on your canine’s way of behaving and start preparing to foster canine defensive abilities. Our top-tier proficient canine mentors guarantee that your canine is prepared to the best expectations.
An appropriately prepared monitor canine stops unlawful passage to properties and offers vital security in risky circumstances. These canines are steadfast, strong, valiant, and careful, exceptionally cautious, consistently prepared to kill any danger.

Types Of Training

Dog Basic training

Our expert dog instructional class combined with demonstrated dog preparation methods guarantees that your dog follows fundamental orders effortlessly.

Behaviour Modification

Our expert dog coaches at Pet Stories hold long periods of involvement with unraveling conduct prompts and assist with addressing the underlying driver of your dog’s concerns

Dog Protection

Our dog protection service makes your dog valiant and stirs the monster resting inside your dog's sidekick. Portraying solid and strong characters, these dogs protect you and your family from all risks.

Group Training Classes

The group training facility is given by Pet Stories as a method for giving the proprietor and the dog cooperation. The class size in bunch preparation is partitioned into little groups.

Frequently Asked Questions?

A guard or protective dog is trained to watch the properties closely, preventing unwanted intrusion of humans or animal intruders.
During delivery, we will show you how to work with your new dog. Our trainers let you know all the training techniques so that you can keep your dog trained at home.
During delivery, we will show how to handle and work with the doggy. Start fulfilling the dog's basic needs and play with him; he will start to associate with you as a caretaker.

Services Features:

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